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How to celebrate the little wins

Satisfied young ethnic female student in glasses with arms raised rejoicing in success while sitting on floor and using laptop in light modern apartment

enkoAtaman / stock.adobe.com

Most people in the WordPress space work pretty hard.

Whether we’re freelancing, working at an agency, or running our own businesses, we’re usually moving pretty quickly and getting things done.

I can tell you from personal experience that this can get pretty hectic.

On more than a number of occasions, I’ve looked up from my laptop after a few hours and felt like I’d been warped forward in time. We sometimes get so dialed into our work that time seems to effortlessly pass us by.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Of course, it’s important to organize your day and work on the things that are going to truly help you move forward. But there are times when you just have to go, go, go.

When you’re running through your day and things are going well, this adrenaline rush can be the best feeling in the world.

But things aren’t always going well. When you run into challenges and walls and forks in the road, things can feel downright hellish if you’re just mindlessly hammering out a to-do list.

Staying motivated can be hard. That’s why it’s important to celebrate the little wins.

celebrate with the team

👊 Celebrate with the team

No matter the size of the win, give a real (or virtual) high five to your team on a job well done.


Tom Zsomborgi at Kinsta has an entire Slack channel dedicated to it!

We have a dedicated Slack channel called Kinsta_is_good. Whenever a client lets us know that the guys answered or solved his website issue within minutes, we got some nice feedback on social media or we got featured somewhere, we share it in this channel so the entire Kinsta team see it 🙂


Celebrating little wins with your team helps frame everything in a positive light. Most people are more motivated by positive emotions than negative, so think of it as a way to drive things forward. Plus, it reminds the entire team that good things are happening.

💰 Turn on payment notifications

No matter how much or when a customer pays us, I want to know about it.

Now that I get a few of these every day, it gets me pumped up to know that the people we work with love what we do enough to pay us for it. It’s the same endorphin bump you get when somebody retweets you but for your business.

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Celebrate good reviews

Did somebody leave you a 5-star review? Share it with your team, your family, your network, and anybody who will listen.


Anne Degroot of Degroot Design actually celebrates with her clients!

I have a gong that I play in my Facebook Business page, then I do a happy dance and tell everyone I meet I got a new client

If somebody thinks you’re awesome, you should think you’re awesome too.

celebrate the little wins

🙏 Give back

When Jamie Hill of iNovate Marketing gets a win, he wants it to be a community win.

Little wins… Well every day I wake up is a win for me, but for business, I try to put out 3 times of what I get back. So for every little win, means I have to put out 3 times of that. That may be donating something, working at the Food Pantry for the day, working the soup line at the homeless area, whatever. Because I got that little win, for a reason, so it needs to be paid back in 3 fold.

For even the little wins, it’s important to remember who helped you get that. Most of the time that’s the people around you, so don’t hesitate to give back some love.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 More family time

Tara Johnson of AlchemyThree celebrates by spending a bit more time with her children.

I do a little happy dance, have a beer and play a round or 2 of Super Mario Cart with my kids. I may even let them win!

David from CollectiveRay shares his wins with his wife.

I share all my little wins with the wife. A good backlink, a good month, a good whatever, I share them all with her.

We are both runnings our own side-hustles and although we’re in very different niches and our little wins are typically very different from each other, we celebrate each others little wins. Even, if something for her might not be relevant (she doesn’t care about links, she cares about social reach) she appreciates and celebrates that it’s important for me and my sites and we’re happy to monitor each other’s progress.

Simon Kelly of Renegade Empire hangs out with his pup as well!

I also love to go see my dachshund, Frankie, and just get him so excited that he pees a little 🙂

I don’t have kids just yet, but I love celebrating by spending more time with my wife and of course our Head of Barketing and Meowketing. Can’t think of a better way to relax.


🍔 Use food as your motivation

Adam and Sabrina of Better Proposals celebrate small wins with a food break.

Sabrina and I go out for dinner every 100 customers to celebrate. We need to change the frequency though because otherwise we’re going to need to pay rent in the restaurant.

Maddy Osman of BlogSmith has a similar tradition.

I’m definitely one to involve food as a part of my celebration. Usually fairly frugal, making most of my meals at home, I’ll allow my little (and big!) wins to give me an excuse to go out for a nice meal. Since I work hard during the day, it’s nice to “outsource” the work of meal prep, especially if I’ve done something special to deserve it!

John Centofanti of Creative Stream Marketing keeps it simple.

I eat chocolate. 😉

Rewarding yourself with a fancy dinner or your favorite food is a great way to stay motivated. Once you hit that milestone, your taste buds will thank you.

☕ Celebrate with coffee

Brenda Barron of The Digital Inkwell celebrates with a cup of Joe!

I treat myself to something indulgent from Starbucks. Or I’ll take an impromptu afternoon off to get outside.

Nancy Seeger of Arts Assistance does the same but with a twist!

Besides writing a blog post? Having gingerbread flavored coffee beans made into a latte from Curly Tail Pug Rescue.

Evin O’Keeffee of Teamwork celebrates with a different drink of choice.

At home, we celebrate the little wins with root beer floats. As expats abroad, it is hard enough to source root beer, so it makes it an extra special treat. At the office, we celebrate little wins with prosecco during our morning team standup.

Who couldn’t use a little extra caffeine to give you a boost? It makes sense to celebrate in a way that will fuel you to even more wins.

☝️ Prioritize those wins

Ross Johnson of 3.7 Designs makes sure that wins from the previous week are a priority at his design agency.

Every week we have a status meeting at our company and the first thing we cover are wins from the previous week. Anyone on the team can add a win to a TODO list in our project management app and are encouraged to do so. We want to have 3 – 5 wins every week as it trains us to realize how many things actually go well, even if they are small.

Figuring out a difficult bug is a win, after all we could still be stuck on it!

This is huge! If you don’t make wins a priority, you’ll always focus on what’s not going right and that’s not the way to motivate yourself to keep going.

📖 Blog about it

Mustaasam Saleem of Cloudways likes to blog about his small wins.

I believe in the fact that big goals cannot be achieved overnight. So, I break them into smaller ones, achieve and write them, and move forward. Whenever I feel I’m moving away from an actual goal, I open the document, give it a read and track my progress. It motivates and helps me plan accordingly.

Motivation is the key to success! Later on, I might even share them on my personal site. 😉

If you couldn’t tell already, I like to blog about things that go right for us, but also things that don’t. But keeping the positives in mind definitely helps keep my motor running.

😎 Indulge yourself

Joe Casabona of casabona.org enjoys the finer things in life.

Usually with a cigar 🙂

It’s important to take a step back sometimes and just enjoy life. Joe’s got the right idea here.

Wrapping it up

There’s a lot of value in learning from your mistakes. You’re probably going to make a lot along the way so it’s important to improve day after day.

But you’ll do some good things along the way too. Celebrating those little wins can help you get from one small victory to the next. And if you string enough small wins together, you get a big one, which is what we’re all after. So go celebrate!

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